Dhyan Ashram Novitiate

The novices for the Calcutta province were sent to Sitagarha, Patna etc till the novitiate was started at Dhyan Ashram in 1975. Till 1999 the novices were staying at Bairagi and Chinmayi blocks (which are no more) and then the novitiate was shifted to its present building named Arpan (which till then housed the Juniorate).
2025: Golden Jubilee of the DA Novitiate
Our novices come from diverse cultural and geographical backgrounds. At present (2024-25), we have twenty-three novices.
Back row: Savariyappan (CEN), Antonysamy (CEN), Jose Stanly (PAT), Devashish (PAT), Sathya (MDU), Johnpaul (MDU), Daniel (MDU), Vijay (CCU), Sandeep (DEL), Roshen (CCU), Leo (DEL), Emanuel (DEL), Jackson (DEL), Ameil (DEL), David (DEL).
Front row: Dinesh (MDU), Joshwa (MDU), Amit (PAT), Kulandai (PAT), Paulus (DUM), Kashmir (DUM), Rakesh (DUM), Elayaraja (MDU).

Novitiate is the second stage of Jesuit formation (after the year of pre-Novitiate). During the two years of Novitiate, the young men in formation grow in understanding and love of the Society of Jesus. The training includes weekly ministries to homes of compassion and to local parish sub-stations in the neighbouring villages.